Participatory data governance in practice

Effective data governance is collective, democratic, participatory, deliberative and powerful.

It is also achievable. Organisations of all shapes and sizes have found ways to engage with the concerns of communities affected by data collection, sharing and use.

Our observatory of participatory data governance practice collects together examples of projects and methods for giving individuals and communities a voice in data governance decision making.

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Browse projects

Right across the world, organisations are exploring ways to involve communities in the governance of data: from setting overarching principles, to shaping everyday decisions.

We have been identifying and analysing a wide range of projects, exploring the overall goals of each project, and looking at the particular components and methods they use.

The table below shows a selection of the cases we have identified and documented. Navigate to the components of the case to explore information about the number of people involved and how background information was given to equip communities to have meaningful discussions about data.

Explore methods

There are a wide range of methods that can be used to engage communities in data governance. The list below contains methods we have found in use across the projects we have documented.

Share updates or tell us about other projects

Have you got comments or updates on how we have covered a case? Share your feedback through this form.

Have you got an example of participatory data governance that we should explore? Drop us an e-mail with details.

Download the dataset

Our dataset is a work in progress, and is based loosely on the Participedia data structure.

It is currently hosted on AirTable, and for each of the public tables you can download a CSV version by opening the table, clicking ‘…’ at the end of the menu above the table, and selecting ‘Download CSV’

For more information about the dataset, please get in touch.

Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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