The Good Governance Game

An engaging exploration of data and AI innovation

An engaging exploration of data and AI innovation.

Data and AI are changing our world. But who gets to decide how?

In The Good Governance Game you work as a team to plan out the engagement strategy for a digital project. Can you find a mix of methods that give voice to the right people, at the right time?

Beta Testing We’ve been developing the good governance game over the last year in partnership with Dissent Games and a small group of collaborators. We’ve printed up 50 copies, and we’re beta-testing the game in printed and online form. Can you help us? Drop a line to if you could run a play-test.

Playing the game

Find a full explanation of how to play the game here or below.

The deck of cards (beta)

Working with Dissent Games we’ve produced cards for The Good Governance Game using Component Studio. We’re planning to create an online playable version of the game, but for now you can explore the cards in two formats:


The game box contains two example scenarios to play. We’re creating more scenarios in the coming months. Interested in a scenario for your project or organisation? Get in touch

Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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