Developing a progressive vision for data and AI policy

Gavin Freeguard

Gavin Freeguard

Gavin Freeguard

CONNECTED BY DATA is conducting collaborative work on building a progressive vision for data and tech, with the aim of influencing party manifestos in the run up to the next General Election. As part of that, we are undertaking a project to consider:

  • What principles should underpin progressive data, digital and technology policy with a focus on the impact on citizens, consumers and communities.
  • What specific policies could look like to deliver these.

We joined forces with Labour Together, who are conducting a parallel project to develop Labour policies, to convene a small group from civil society (along with Labour advisers) to discuss principles and policies and interviewed others who could not make the workshop. We wrote this up and put it out to a wider group of civil society organisations for feedback through online comments and an online workshop, producing an updated document which received some further comments.

Below you can find a short pamphlet we have produced for Labour Party conference, where we are holding an event with the Fabian Society on ‘What Labour should(n’t)do on data and AI policy in the first 100 days’, and a longer version of the document from the civil society consultation.

CONNECTED BY DATA will be using the outputs to prompt a broader discussion about future data, digital and technology policy and what a progressive vision for change in these areas might look like, including with other parties. We are committed to working in the open and collaboratively, and would welcome conversations about how to increase the impact of this work, so please do get in touch.

Towards a progressive vision for data and AI policy: pamphlet

This is an eight-page summary of our progressive vision, produced for Labour Party conference 2023.

Towards a progressive vision for data and AI policy: civil society consultation summary

This is a longer summary of the progressive vision development process, including links to earlier versions and stimulus material, and reflections from comments and workshops.

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Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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