How should government use AI?

Jeni Tennison

Civil servants are already using AI for a variety of purposes, from summarising and analysing data to drafting correspondence. The new Labour government sees AI as a route to greater productivity and growth, both within government and better public services.

Bringing together the themes of two private roundtables hosted by the Institute for Government in partnership with Scott Logic, this public event explored the use of AI in policy and communications, and for civil service effectiveness.

  • How are public servants making use of AI in their work?
  • How should government’s own use of AI inform its broader approach to the development and regulation of AI?
  • And how can government distinguish between panic, hype and useful applications of AI and other emerging technologies?

To discuss these questions and more this event brought together an expert panel featuring:

  • Duncan Brown, Head of Software Engineering at the Incubator for AI
  • Matthew Gill, Programme Director at the Institute for Government
  • Jess McEvoy, Principal Consultant at Scott Logic
  • Jeni Tennison, Founder and Executive Director of Connected by Data

The event was chaired by Gavin Freeguard, Associate at the Institute for Government.

The recording of this event is available here.

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