
People we support and mentor

Would you like to be a CONNECTED BY DATA Fellow?

Our Fellows work in and around collective and participatory data governance. Fellowship work can take many shapes and forms. We want to support people working on:

  • community activism, such as working within a union, school, or local community to increase awareness of how data is being used, and demand change
  • storytelling and journalism, such as telling the story about a particular impact of data collection or use; or developing assets such as graphics or videos that explain collective data governance
  • practitioner work, such as supporting a deliberative process in an organisation or designing data governance processes
  • public policy development, such as getting involved with advocacy around new data laws and policies, or creating recommendations for data regulation
  • research projects, such as researching participatory practices across a range of organisations, or the collective impacts of a particular data practice such as personalised pricing

We expect Fellows to work with us for six to nine months. While we are seeking funding for this programme, we only offer non-financial support to Fellows, namely:

  • regular interactions with, and learning from, other Fellows through a regular fortnightly catch-up
  • monthly 1:1s with a member of the CONNECTED BY DATA team
  • expert review of work related to your Fellowship by the CONNECTED BY DATA team, on request
  • brokered connections with the wider CONNECTED BY DATA network
  • increased amplification and visibility of your work
  • potential for subcontracted work and joint bids

We are just starting up this programme and are running it in a lightweight, exploratory mode. There is no formal selection process as yet. If you are interested in becoming a CONNECTED BY DATA Fellow, please send your CV and a one-page description of your work to jeni@connectedbydata.org. The description should cover:

  • background and context for your work
  • the specific problem or research question you are tackling
  • how you are tackling it
  • what you expect the outputs and outcomes of your work to look like
  • how long you want your fellowship to run for and how being a CONNECTED BY DATA Fellow will help you be successful

Applications are currently selected by the CONNECTED BY DATA team on an ongoing basis, based on:

  • alignment with the CONNECTED BY DATA vision and mission
  • impact of the proposed work
  • commitment of the fellow to the work
  • feasibility of the proposed work plan
  • diversity of the fellowship, in demographics, geographies, experience and interests

Adele Zeynep Walton is a British-Turkish journalist reporting on digital technology and social change.

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Aditya’s doctoral research investigates theories and models for collective data governance in agriculture, with a focus on mitigating power asymmetries in the sector. He is based in the Centre for Technomoral Futures as well as the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems at the University of Edinburgh. His work draws from political philosophy, law, and critical data studies.

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Egerton Neto is a technology policy strategist specializing in the intersection of technology and diversity. .

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Dr Judith Townend is senior lecturer in media and information law at the University of Sussex. Having started her career in media and journalism, she has been working in socio-legal research and policy for more than a decade. Her current research focuses on the protection of public interest journalism, access to information, and media/data governance, in the context of a broader interest in human rights and social justice. Prior to joining Sussex, she was the inaugural director of the Information Law and Policy Centre at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.

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Kaelynn Narita is an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection between borders and technology.

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Kristophina is a researcher contributing to the sustainable adoption of data-driven technologies in Africa. She is curious about drawing lessons from collective/participatory governance frameworks in various sectors to apply to the development and deployment of AI technologies. Kristophina recently joined Mozilla as a Senior Tech Policy Fellow, after working as a Research Associate at Research ICT Africa, where she worked on various AI Projects particularly focusing on incorporating data and climate justice lenses into the development of AI policies on the African continent.

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Libby Young

Research associate and Fellow

Libby researches the power and governance of data. She has a background in open data and data for social change, product, policy and communications in professional and financial services, and, further back, music. She holds an MBA from LBS, an MMus from GSMD and a BA(Hons) from USyd, and is currently a member of ADM+S and an associate of the Sydney Policy Lab.

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Luke is a masters student at the University of Birmingham studying ‘Responsible Data Science’ - an interdisciplinary degree in conjunction between the University’s School of Law and School of Computer Science. His course covers a deep practical understanding of databases, programming, data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence from a Computer Science perspective as a grounding to also study the regulation, ethics and governance of emerging technologies and complex socio-technical systems from a legal perspective.

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Maria Luciano (she/her)

Fellow / Former Research associate

Maria works at the intersection of law and technology, and has conducted research on a wide variety of topics such as privacy and data protection, internet access, platform regulation, as well as democratic theory and political participation.

Before joining Connected by data, she worked as a data protection researcher and consultant in Brazil in the private, public and third sectors.

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Dr Natalie Byrom is a researcher and policy adviser with expertise in justice system reform, evidence generation, data-driven technologies and justice data governance. She has a track record of leading high-quality research and translating this into policy impact.

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Nicola is the Head of Understanding Patient Data, an independent initiative hosted at the NHS Confederation which aims to make the way health data is used more visible, transparent and trustworthy, for patients, the public and health professionals.

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Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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