OpenGovHub discussion: The role of citizens in AI governance

Tim Davies

We’re joining forces with Jed Miller of 3 Bridges and the Accountability Lab team to host a discussion in Washington, DC on Tuesday, September 24th at 4 PM ET on the potential and the practicalities of bringing citizen voices from across the globe into AI governance, building on newly published paper exploring Options and Design Considerations for Global Citizen Deliberation on Artificial Intelligence work.

As the hype around AI and its risks shifts into the hard work of public decisions and rulemaking, how will governments, tech companies, and NGOs make good on their declarations of greater inclusion in the design and accountability of AI systems?

Join us to look at five practical proposals that explore different sources of AI power, and models of public participation - and take part in a critical discussion of how learning from decades of public engagement can point to the most productive paths forward.

Five options: 1: Deliberative Review - Providing public inputs to scientific reports and/or global summits, through pre-event regional panels and public delegates/ rapporteurs. 2: Global assembly - Independent core sortition-selected transnational assembly, and self-organized community assemblies. Consensus reports and ‘cultural wave’ to shape AI narratives and policy. 3: Distributed dialogue - A network of partners organize local dialogues following a common framework. Global report aggregates findings, and dialogue partners engage to influence change locally.  4: Collective intelligence - Using digital platforms with open and intentional participant recruitment to support dialogue at scale, and provide inputs to industry and policy. 5: Commissioning body for public dialogue - An expert group that is resourced to commission public deliberation or dialogue on AI topics from other existing deliberation processes. For example, funding and providing expert input for environmental impacts of AI to be addressed by the standing citizens assembly on climate change.

If you would like to join us for this roundtable discussion at the Open Gov Hub, 1100 13th St NW, Suite 800, with a Hub Happy Hour to follow, drop a line to by 23rd September to confirm your spot.

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