Global Voices: What does data governance mean to you?

Tim Davies

What does data governance mean to you? Exploring dominant frameworks and alternative narratives to shape the future of data and AI.

Join us for a Connected Conversation with the Global Voices team, sharing the results of their Future of Data Challenge project running the data governance civic media observatory.

From 2015 to 2021 the academic literature saw a six-fold increase in papers on ‘Data Governance’, and data governance has moved from a niche-policy topic, to become one of the key items on the agenda for international organisations and global debate, from the EU and G20, to the World Economic Forum and United Nations.

Data governance concerns the rules, processes and behaviours related to the collection, management, analysis, use, sharing and disposal of data - personal and/or non-personal.

Good data governance should both promote benefits and minimise harms at each stage of relevant data cycles.

Data governance is a global issue. But what does it mean on the ground? What is driving debate and discussion on data governance when we step away from top-down narratives, and instead look at the issues making the media (and social media) in different countries across the globe?

Over the first months of 2024, the Global Voices Civic Media Observatory on Data Governance has been exploring and analysing discourses on data governance and policy in El Salvador, Brazil, Turkey, Sudan, and India.

The narratives uncovered bring into view the physicality of data governance (Bitcoin mining’s toll on El Salvador leaves communities without water), the contested impact of AI governance on freedom of expression, and the absence of robust public engagement (The Brazilian and Indian dilemma: How to regulate AI and Big Tech?), unrealised promise of digital innovation (Lion or mosquito: The state of the AI debate in Turkey), and challenges of delivering trusted data infrastructure in post-conflict societies.

In this Connected Conversation we will ask what these ground-up perspectives might mean for global campaigns on data governance, exploring how the findings from the Civic Media observatory support or challenge existing advocacy for collective and community-driven data governance.


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