Think Data for Government

Jeni Tennison

Jeni is speaking on a Panel at this event, entitled : ‘Improving civil service efficencies with AI and open data’.

In this session we explore how AI and Open Data can transform the UK civil service by driving efficiencies and enhancing decision-making. The panellists will dive into topics such as:

  • leveraging automation and AI powered technologies to streamline processes
  • reducing manual tasks through intelligent systems,
  • implementing AI safely, and
  • leveraging Open Data to enrich your existing data foundation. S peakers will also examine commercial sector best practices and how data sharing, and collaboration can deliver value. This insight is essential for digital data & AI leaders looking to harness technology to enhance public services and operations.

Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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