Toolkit: Worker voice in public sector procurement of digital and AI systems in Wales
AI systems are increasingly being used in the delivery of public services. They can significantly impact the quality, value for money, and accountability of these services, and the achievement of wider policy goals.
While some may be developed in-house, many digital and AI systems are, and will continue to be, procured. Procurement processes are a powerful lever for achieving the well-being goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, as well as delivering fair work and public service improvements. The Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023 (SPPPA) sets out the legal framework that public bodies in Wales must follow to achieve well-being outcomes through procurement.
This toolkit provides an actionable framework for empowering worker voice throughout the procurement process. It is targeted at public sector commissioners, procurement professionals and trade union representatives seeking to apply social partnership and responsible procurement practices to digital and AI systems. Suppliers to the public sector may also find this toolkit useful.
🏴 A Welsh language version of the toolkit is also available.
The toolkit is produced by Connected by Data in collaboration with the Trades Union Congress Cymru, with input from diverse stakeholders in trade unions and the public sector in Wales.