
Emily Macaulay

Emily Macaulay

Emily Macaulay

What I’ve been doing

As team holidays (team members going on their own holidays, rather than us all going on one holiday!) start to kick in it’s been a quieter week of meetings. I’ve been progressing with items on my TODO list that were gathering some dust including our organisational risk assessment. I’ve since been interested to hear this business advertised on a local radio station who appear to offer an AI solution to writing risk assessments - so the advert goes, you give it a short summary of your work and it kicks out a risk assessment. I’m curious how thorough it is, I’m curious about liability and I feel that people disengaging from the process of actively thinking through risk is likely to have a detrimental impact on health and safety at work.

We had our first Data and AI Public Engagement community of practice meeting which was amazing. The content was inspiring and the networking / engagement was motivating. One attendee signed off with “I have to go but this has been the most thoughtful and inspiring hour of my day - thank you everyone”. That’s got to be a win.

I’ve discovered how tricky picking instrumental video background music can be. We’re having some made around our community campaigns on data work and we’ve had a few chuckles about “vibe”. I think the final choice has pitched it well.

What I need to take care of

Next week Jeni is back so it’ll be picking up some actions that she’ll be feeding back on, plus anything she’s been reflecting on whilst on holiday. For example I think there’ll be discussions about the King’s Speech.

In early August we’re having a chat about our website and whether / how we may want to change it. (If you have views please do let me know). I’ll need to prepare for facilitating that session.

It’s payroll next week and I’m grappling with our first VAT return too.

Tim has also been allowed out and about today (!) and has got himself all inspired! So there’s things to pick up there too as he starts running with a new opportunity relating to the Global Citizens Assembly work he has been doing.

What I’ve been inspired or challenged or moved by

I like to read around (and experience) organisations actively working to improve accessibility and inclusivity. I really liked this approach from What Next? - both in terms of what they say / are doing but also offering the information in a voice note format (it is also emailed in text form ahead of a meeting).

Also, next in my series of “team pages that I love on websites” is this team page of the Children’s Parliament in Scotland. (Tap or hover over the photos)

What I’ve been reading

I’ve enjoyed a (skim) read of this stage 1 report from Children’s Parliament - I’ve bookmarked it to go back and read more thoroughly sometime.

“When asked, the children were also near-unanimous in the view that for AI to serve their needs, they needed to be involved in making decisions about how AI is made and used. They saw themselves as having an important contribution to make.”

Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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