A permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly: Adding humankind’s voice to world politics - AI Workshop

Tim Davies

On 18th July Tim will be facilitating a workshop exploring Options for a Global Citizens Assembly on AI as part of a conference on the establishment of a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly (GCA) on at Jesus College in Oxford, jointly organized by the University of Oxford and Iswe Foundation.

Composed of a representative group of citizens from the world population, selected by civic lottery and brought together to deliberate, a permanent GCA could provide a sustainable and legitimate voice for citizens in global governance. The conference will explore how to improve and expand upon the first GCA at COP26 in 2021, while advancing research on GCAs more broadly.

The afternoon of the conference will include a 90-minute break-out workshop exploring the early findings from our Design Lab process on how a citizen assembly could focus on AI governance.

In the workshop we will present a series of options for:

  • The focus issues that a GCA on AI might address;
  • The different fora that a GCA on AI could seek to influence;
  • Different structuress that an assembly could take, including how to connect local, regional and global deliberations;
  • The use of technology, including AI, to suppot global deliberations.

Inputs from the workshop will shape the final paper to be presented alongside the Summit of the Future in September 2024.

The event is invite only, but if you would be interested to find out more please contact Tim (tim@connectedbydata.org).

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