Online workshop: Options for a Global Citizens Assembly on AI

Tim Davies

Join us for this interactive online workshop on Options for a Global Citizens Assembly on AI.

Over 90 minutes we will:

  • Introduce the work of the Coalition for a Global Citizens Assembly, and the case for a Global Citizen Assembly on AI;
  • Explore a range of potential approaches to creating initiatives or institutions that put public voice at the heart of AI governance;
  • Invite participant perspectives on these approaches, and critical issues to address in the design of any future assembly.

This session will build on an updated draft of the Options for a Global Citizens Assembly on AI paper, and will feed into the final draft of this paper, to be launched alongside the Coalition for a Global Citizens Assembly in New York in September.

Please register here to take part. This session will take place on Zoom, with English as our working language.

If you would like to participate, but require other language support, please contact

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