UK Coalition for Public Deliberation on AI

Tim Davies

The future of artificial intelligence (AI) is too big an issue to leave to tech companies and governments alone. This moment calls for a broad public dialogue about how we want to live with AI in future - a constructive counterweight to the current industry dominated policy making.

So many of us have seen the power of deliberative public engagement and we believe that, together, we can meet this moment if we take shared action to secure wider national public dialogue on the future of AI: at both national and local scales.

In this initial meeting on 19th August we’ll focus on the proposal to call for a UK National Citizens Assembly on AI to take place before March 2025, setting out a people’s agenda for AI Legislation at Westminster.

We are intentionally seeking to build a broad and action-oriented coalition.

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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