LGA AI for Local Government explainer series

Connected by Data working with Brickwall

Along with creative agency Brickwall, Connected by Data are carrying out a research and development project for the Local Government Association (LGA) to inform the development of a series of explainer videos on how local government engagement with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In this project we are hoping to talk to a range of people working in and around local government in different settings to understand current activity around AI use and governance, and the kinds of information and explanations around AI that different stakeholders would value. Brickwall will then use this information, and our interpretations, to develop scripts for the series of explainer videos.

The objectives of the video scripts are to:

  • Improve understandings of AI.
  • Improve awareness of AI risks and opportunities, including in different types of AI.
  • Demystify AI to support decision-making.
  • Support productive and open conversations between colleagues and partners.
  • Produce sector-owned assets to be used alongside government guidance.
  • Provide free, factual and sector-specific information to local authorities.

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