Over the last month or so we’ve been working on a bit of narrative for the organisation. As a new campaigning ‘start up’, Jeni, Tim and I wanted to produce a short public facing story to communicate who we are, what we do, the people we want to support to make change and the problems and solutions that lie behind this. You might call it a ‘brand narrative’.
It’s been quite a challenge, though a very interesting one. What we are working on – the collective impacts of data and the need for community voices in data governance – are pretty new concepts and there’s not necessarily lots of existing, simple ways to explain it.
But after a fair bit of back and forth, we’ve now got a work-in-progress version we quite like and wanted to share to get a sense of what other people think.
In the spirit of openness, we’d really welcome feedback – good, bad and ugly – to try and take it to the next level. It’s easy to get lost in what you are doing and think you’ve captured it and then find you’ve missed your audience altogether!
You can find our draft brand narrative in this Google Doc.
There are 5 bits to look at – none of them very long! Comments on any or all of them would be very appreciated.
- About Connected by Data: Four Sentences
- About Connected by Data: One Sentence
- People/Problem/Solution: One Pager
- People/Problem/Solution: Half Pager
- People/Problem/Solution: Full Version
We wrote them at this stage with a non-expert but engaged public audience in mind. Think someone general in tech, broad funders or your average MP.
Please do let me know what you think at jonathan@connectedbydata.org and read more about some of the things we were considering as we wrote this in my weeknotes.