Data and AI public engagement: Community of Practice

Gavin Freeguard

On Wednesday 9 April 2025 at 2pm we will hold the seventh meeting of a community of practice as part of our project on Giving communities a powerful say in public sector data and AI projects.

It’s designed to bring together people across the public sector working on (or interested in) engaging the public on data and AI, with those in civil society, the private sector and academia working in the field. It’ll be a safe space to hear about what others are doing and work through common challenges.

The network meets on a Chatham House basis (nothing attributed unless you want it to be, anything confidential excluded altogether), with notes circulated within the network. We do something similar with an existing data and AI civil society network, and have lots of existing links with public engagement practitioners.

In our first and second events, we had presentations from practitioners engaging the public. Our third event was an online workshop around the question, what do public engagement practitioners need to succeed? Our fourth event had presentations on how to engage different communities, including historically excluded ones, and our fifth presentations on different methods for involving the public. Our sixth event asked what’s next for public involvement on data and AI.

The topic of our seventh event, and speakers, is to be confirmed.

Please register here to attend this meeting. To keep informed about this work and receive meetings invitations and details please sign up to our mailing list.

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