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Hello, and welcome to our 22nd Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments.

Our 22nd edition, and first under a Labour government.

neil kinnock voice: a LABOUR government

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Hello, and welcome to our 21st Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments.

I’m sure you don’t need to be reminded, but today is a very special day.

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Hello, and welcome to our twentieth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments.

Going through the motions, too cautious, little spark, relief that it will soon be over, and little mention of data and tech… enough about England and Scotland at the Euros, the general election is a week today. And civil society tried to inject some data and AI discussion into the campaign with two events this week - more below.

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Hello, and welcome to our nineteenth Data Policy Digest.

Will it bring you all the latest data and AI policy developments in the midst of the General Election campaign?

You bet.

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Hello, and welcome to our eighteenth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments. 18 whole Digests. 18!

Appropriate number, 18.

It’s when you can legally vote - this is a very election-heavy newsletter.

And it’s when you can legally drink - I could do with several after sifting through FIVE manifestos this week.

(And still 20 days to go! Cheers!)

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Hello, and welcome to our seventeenth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments.

And, well. Yes. Quite.

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I currently have the pleasure of working with our new cohort of Community Data Campaigns, five campaigns spanning health, housing, online harms, and care, all thinking about how their communities can be empowered through data. On the one hand, these are grassroots campaigns firmly rooted in the immediate needs of their communities, and on the other they are visionary in their thinking about systems change and shifting power to make data, and all that it impacts, more equitable for us all.

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Here we have a guest blog from June, a member of the People’s Panel on AI reflecting on her experience as part of the Panel and her engagement with AI since.

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Weeknotes are a combination of updates and personal reflection written on a routine basis

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Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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