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Hello, and welcome to our sweet sixteenth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments. From April showers to a May data deluge - with details of Lords committee stage for the Data Protection Bill, more AI developments than you can shake a large language model at and much more besides.

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Last December, India passed the baton of the G20 presidency to Brazil after reaching the first-ever multilateral consensus on digital public infrastructures (DPIs). The Brazilian presidency this year offers a unique opportunity for Brazil to share its world-renowned experiences on the matter with the world.

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Hello, and welcome to our fifteenth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments.

A short one this time, with very little going on.


(Late) April Fool!

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Hello, and welcome to our fourteenth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments. The Budget, national insurance cuts, tax cuts, and a possible May election are just some of the topics dominating the political fiscal discourse and doubling as an SEO-friendly introduction to this fortnight’s newsletter, a blockbuster on a par with anything at this weekend’s Oscars and with more political intrigue than Super Tuesday or a day in the life of Christian Horner at Red Bull. If that doesn’t game Google, nothing will.

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This is a follow-up bulletin from the People’s Panel on AI, sharing updates and insights from the last three months, featuring our policy brief on learning from the panel, video of panel members Janet and Sharif speaking at the TechUK Digital Ethics Summit, and more insights from the panel in the combined Perspectives from the AI Fringe report.

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Hello, and welcome to our thirteenth (lucky for you) Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments. Of which there continue to be many.

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Hello, and welcome to our twelfth Data Policy Digest, bringing you all the latest data and AI policy developments. Rest assured, this is one DPD that won’t use AI to swear at you. (Though may have you swearing at AI.)

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Here we have a guest blog from Margaret, a member of the People’s Panel on AI, with a plea following her experience and reflections.

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Here we have a guest blog from Margaret, a member of the People’s Panel on AI, with words shared at the 2024 AI UK Conference.

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Months ago I got a text from a dear friend who works in finance, with a video she had seen on Instagram of an investor reporting on some of the things he had heard at the Davos Forum about artificial intelligence. “Everytime I see something about AI I think of you”, she said, intending for it to sound nicer than how I interpreted it, as someone who is concerned about, a bit fed up with, the hype and solutionism around it.

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It has been almost 18 months since I first joined CbD, and it is crazy to look back and see there was a whole different scenario going on around data and AI.

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So these are my last set (of very irregular) weeknotes. I’m heading off to be Head Campaigns at UNICEF UK. I’ll be particularly focusing over the next year on highlighting the issues around child poverty in the UK around the coming election and with a potential new government. It’s an exciting opportunity and one that gets me working on a very tangible social justice issue again (I came from Shelter) which I’m looking forward to.

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Weeknotes are a combination of updates and personal reflection written on a routine basis

Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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