People's Panel on AI
Public deliberation around the AI Safety Summit and Fringe

The People’s Panel on AI brought together representative members of the public to attend, observe and discuss key events at the AI Fringe, which was held alongside the UK Government’s AI Safety Summit at the beginning of November 2023.
Through a deliberative process facilitated by Hopkins Van Mil the People’s Panel on AI produced a public report giving their verdict on AI and their recommendations to government, industry, civil society and academia for further action.
Report: Involving the public in AI policymaking - Experiences from the People’s Panel on AI (10 Page, PDF)
You can also download a copy of the People’s Panel on AI recommendations here, along with summary details about the panel process.
A detailed summary findings report, and an independent evaluation of the panel are also available.
Keep in touch
You can find bulletins from the Panel here:
- Bulletin 1 - preparing for the Panel
- Bulletin 2 - insights from Day 1 of deliberations: trust, sensemaking and data
- Bulletin 3 - hopes and fears, and starting from the social good
- Bulletin 4 - postcards from the future
- Bulletin 5 - panel recommendations and launch event video
- Bulletin 6 - summary findings and ripples
Register here for future updates on the People’s Panel
About the People’s Panel on AI at the AI Fringe
The People’s Panel on AI in November 2023 was organised by Connected by Data with support from the Mozilla Foundation, the Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery, the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public, and the Ada Lovelace Institute.
We are currently exploring options to sustain and extend the work of the People’s Panel, and welcome conversations about support for this activity.
Public voice is crucial for shaping an AI future that is trustworthy, trusted and operating for public good. In November 2023, the People’s Panel on AI demonstrated the feasibility, utility and value of a deliberative review in providing that voice.
This report summarises the process and findings of the People’s Panel and makes the case for future summits, conferences and AI governance discussions to integrate deliberative public participation, enabling mini-publics to observe, interrogate and publicly review AI debates and decisions.

Alongside other invited participants, Tim and three members of the People’s Panel on AI took part in a session of the Three Hands Outside In Project, sharing public perspectives on the use and governance of artificial intelligence with over 40 representatives of 11 businesses from finance, healthcare and utilities.

On Wednesday 6 December 2023, techUK and partners brought together world leading academics, philosophers, lawyers, technology experts, policy makers and other key stakeholders at techUK’s seventh Digital Ethics Summit.
We were delighted to attend the event with members of our People’s Panel on AI to open the Summit with a fireside chat about the process, learnings and the Panel’s recommendations.

The People’s Panel on AI is bringing together 12 diverse members of the public to attend, observe and discuss Fringe events. The Panel presented reflections and recommendations from the week at 13:30 UK time on Friday 3rd November.
After engaging with the AI Fringe, looking at the outcomes of the AI Safety Summit, and talking to experts about their hopes and fears for AI, what priorities did members of the public have for the future governance of AI?
Recent posts
This is a follow-up bulletin from the People’s Panel on AI, sharing updates and insights from the last three months, featuring our policy brief on learning from the panel, video of panel members Janet and Sharif speaking at the TechUK Digital Ethics Summit, and more insights from the panel in the combined Perspectives from the AI Fringe report.
This is a brief follow-up bulletin from the People’s Panel on AI, sharing the full summary findings report by panel facilitators Hopkins Van Mil, as well updates on next steps for the People’s Panel. You can find earlier bulletins from the People’s Panel here and in case you missed them the AI Summit week rush, the Panel’s recommendations are in Bulletin 5.
This is the fifth People’s Panel on AI Bulletin, and our last daily update - covering the Panel’s presentation event. You can find earlier bulletins from the week here. Look out for one more update soon with the final report, and please do take a few minutes to provide your feedback through the anonymous evaluation survey.
This is the fourth bulletin from the People’s Panel on AI, sharing observations and insights from Connected by Data as an observer. You can find earlier bulletins here.
Today, the panel focus turned from exploring AI, to thinking about the ways industry, academia, government and civil society can respond.
This is the third bulletin from the People’s Panel on AI, sharing observations and insights from Connected by Data as an observer. You can find earlier bulletins here.
Today, as well as joining plenary sessions at the AI Fringe, the People’s Panel members have been engaged in lots of small-group work: from hands-on learning with generative AI tools, to one-to-one conversations with scientists at the Hopes and Fears lab.
This is the second People’s Panel on AI Bulletin. You can find earlier bulletins here. In this update, reflections from our first half-day on:
- Building public trust: communication campaigns, or open conversation?
- Making sense of AI: early questions from the panel
- Dealing with data: questions on privacy protection and model training.
But first, a quick summary of the day.
On Wednesday, the 12 members of the People’s Panel on AI met on Zoom for the first time, in a two-hour introduction and context-setting session. Next week they’ll spend four days in London engaging with the AI Fringe, to engage with experts, and follow updates from the AI Safety Summit.
Earlier, we held a briefing session to provide more background about the panel. You can find the recording here.
From Tuesday -> Friday next week we aim to share a daily bulletin with you - providing insights, updates and questions coming from panel deliberations.
I’ve posted recently about the challenge of purpose and priorities in the adoption of AI by the public sector. This blog post expands on this to look not at what I think the priorities should be, but about how they should be decided, and that prioritisation method institutionalised given it’s not a one off exercise.
One month ago, after listening to an episode of the Facilitating Public Deliberation podcast on Citizen’s Juries and the Oregon Citizens Initiative Review I put together and shared around a rough concept note to propose a deliberative citizen’s review of the upcoming AI Safety Summit and AI Fringe. The idea is simple: if the impacts of AI are going to be felt by everyone, then we need more than just industry, government or elite institutional voices to be shaping the debate.