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Welcome to the fourth edition of Connected By Data’s Data Policy Digest, your one stop shop for all things data and AI policy. You’ll be pleased to know it’s shorter than our previous epic - but there’s still been plenty going on.

If there’s something we’ve missed, something you’re up to that you’d like us to include next time or you have any thoughts on how useful the Digest is or could be, please get in touch via We’re on We’re on Twitter @ConnectedByData and @DataReform. You can also catch up on Digest #1, Digest #2 and Digest #3.

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Hello, and welcome to the third Data Policy Digest from Connected by Data! The Digest aims to bring you all the main developments in data and digital policy, including the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, the AI White Paper and beyond. (Often way beyond.) It’s been more than six weeks since the last edition (I’ve been away). Good job it’s been a quiet month or so in data policy…

If there’s something we’ve missed, something you’re up to that you’d like us to include next time or you have any thoughts on how useful the Digest is or could be, please get in touch via We’re on Twitter @ConnectedByData and @DataReform. You can also catch up on Digest #1 and Digest #2.

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Hello, and welcome to Connected by Data’s second Data Policy Digest!

This is our attempt to keep track of the many things currently going on in data policy world. If there’s something we’ve missed, something you’re up to that you’d like us to include next time or you have any thoughts on how useful the Digest is or could be, please get in touch via We’re on Twitter @ConnectedByData and @DataReform, and Digest #1 is here.

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At the Data Justice Conference in Cardiff a few weeks ago we ran the first public play test of a card game designed to support conversations about collective and participatory data governance.

It’s the first iteration of the output from our participation design lab process exploring game design both as a method for researching methods to involve communities in data governance, and as a way of generating resources that might help inspire and embed new ways of working, particularly within private sector contexts.

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This is the second post in a series produced as part of the analysis for the Measuring Data Values Around the World project.

We have previously scoped out how existing primary data collected from the Global Data Barometer might map to the Data Values framework. As a multi-dimensional composite index, the Global Data Barometer is based on both primary and secondary data sources.

In this post, we consider if there are elements of data values measurement which could be addressed by drawing on existing secondary indicators or by incorporating additional secondary data sources. These could feed into future iterations of the GDB, or be used in Data Values measurement products, tools or analysis based partially on the GDB.

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This is the first post in a series produced as part of the analysis for the Measuring Data Values Around the World project.

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As part of our project exploring how the Global Data Barometer might be used to provide insights and metrics for measurement against the Data Values framework, I’ve been looking into how Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT might impact upon the methodology of expert survey studies like the Barometer.

This post contains some initial notes from this exploration.

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The past 6 months have flown by and my time at Connected by Data has come to an end. I’d like to use this opportunity to thank the team: Tim, Maria, Jonathan, Jeni, Adam and Emily for supporting me during this time and really making this an exciting and valuable place to work. This has been a wonderful opportunity where I’ve been able to learn a lot more about community empowerment in conversations about data.

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Weeknotes are a combination of updates and personal reflection written on a routine basis

Do you collect, use or share data?

We can help you build trust with your customers, clients or citizens

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Do you want data to be used in your community’s interests?

We can help you organise to ensure that data benefits your community

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